Hygiene Habits Among Moms
Add Chief Germ Buster to the many titles mother’s hold. According to a recent survey by BSM Media with over 600 mothers, 85% of moms claim to make the hygiene product decisions in their family. But just as the economy has challenged her to do more with her family’s dollars, she’s taking a different approach to family hygiene.
Mothers are challenging generic brands to do more for less in the fight to keep her family healthy. Eighty three percent of mothers are likely to try a generic brand in order to save money. The products that moms are most likely to purchase generic are shampoo, conditioner, hand soap and toilet paper.
In the same survey, moms revealed that they are more likely to give up a name brand personal hygiene product for themselves before they give up a name brand for their child.
In order to remain loyal to a product, 87% of moms surveyed are using coupons or looking for Buy One Get One sales on their favorite products.
The survey also looked at mom’s behaviors on purchasing products for her maturing children. Laying a good foundation of hygiene habits is important to moms which isn’t always easy as their children grow into new stages and mature more quickly than prior generations.
When it comes to introducing new hygiene products to their tween or teen, 45% of moms will purchase a brand they already trust for their child.
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